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DeKalb County Released Time
Bible Classes

Public School Ministry
DeKalb County Alabama


Public School Ministry & Bible Classes

"Improving Schools by Changing Hearts" 

Released Time Bible Classes are open to the 11 county schools in DeKalb County, AL in grades 2-6.  Students (with permission of a parent or guardian) can be released from school during one PE class each week and go to an off-campus location (usually a church next door) and attend a Bible class. Ponderosa Student Ministries is pleased to offer these free classes.  Released Time Bible Classes are exciting, fun, off-campus Bible classes with age-appropriate Bible lessons.  These Bible lessons are Christ-centered, character-based, true to the Bible and full of encouragement for your child. Students who choose to participate in this program have the potential to earn a free week of summer camp at Ponderosa Bible Camp!  Students will earn points for attendance, bring their Bible, and return their completed Released Time home sheet!  The points add up to a potential scholarship to summer camp!

How students can "earn points" through Released Time:

Weekly Points can be earned:

  • Attend - 5 points

  • Daily Bible Reading - 5 points a day(35 points if you read your Bible all week)

  • Completed Home Sheet - 10 points

  • Bible brought to class - 15 points

  • Bring a friend - 20 points

  • Verses memorized - 25 points each

  • Definitions of character qualities - 25 points

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Possible Bonus Points each year:

  • Recite the books of OT - 30 points

  • Recite the books of NT - 30 points

  • Recite Ten Commandments - 30 points

  • Recite The Lord's Prayer - 30 points

  • Attend Ponderosa Bible Camp - 50 points(summer camp or retreat)

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Awards for points earned each year can be used for:

  • 200 points - Released Time Pen

  • 400 points - Book

  • 600 points - Released Time Coffee Mug

  • 800 points - Released Time T-shirt

  • 1000 points - Bible & Bible Cover & $50 scholarship to camp

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Summer Camp Scholarships can be earned:

  • Earn 1,000 points in Year 1 - $75 off summer camp

  • Earn 1,000 points in Year 2 - $150 off summer camp

  • Earn 1,000 points in Year 3 - $225 off summer camp

  • Earn 1,000 points in Year 4 - $300 off summer camp

  • Earn 1,000 points in Year 5 - Free week of summer camp

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Earn an additional $50 Scholarship from our Mailbox Club by completing 1 full course of Bible lessons and Scripture memory through the mail!


If you have any questions or want to register your child, please use the form below to contact Pastor Max Grizzard, Released Time Director. 


Information and Registration Form is also available in your school office. 

Registration Request

Thanks for submitting!

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