Mailbox Club Lessons

Why Join?
Ponderosa Student Ministries is pleased to offer these free lessons. The Mailbox Club is an exciting, through-the-mail, Bible correspondence class with age-appropriate Bible lessons for 1st thru 12th Grade students.
These Bible lessons are Christ-centered, true to the Bible and full of encouragement for your child or teenager.
Students in Grades 1 thru 12 who choose to participate in this program have the potential to earn up to a $50 discount off the price of a week of summer camp at Ponderosa Bible Camp. ​
Students can earn:
$25 for completing 1 course (approx. 8-12 lessons) and an additional $25 for completing the scripture memory requirements set forth by Ponderosa Bible Camp.
Scripture memory does not count unless you complete 1 full course of Mailbox Club lessons with your verses.

Registration opens the Wednesday after Labor Day.
Registration Post Cards you received at summer camp or school must reach our office no later than February 1, or online registration must be submitted no later than February 1 to qualify.
Discounts for Summer Camp will be awarded to campers who have completed and postmarked their 1st lesson and reached our office no later than March 1, and have completed one full course no later than April 29. (there are 8-10 lessons per course).
The Mailbox Club staff at Ponderosa grades lessons from September through April.
No lessons or Listeners Cards will be accepted in May.
To qualify for the discount, you must complete one full Course between September - April.
The credit does not carry over if you started but did not complete a full course last year.
Lessons that arrive at our office with "Postage Due" will be returned to the sender for more postage and will cause a delay in your progress. If you email more than one lesson in an envelope, it requires extra postage.
Scholarships/Discounts are non-transferable.
(They can not be carried over to the next year, and they CAN NOT be transferred to a sibling or friend.)
Don't wait! Sign-up early to start receiving your lessons in September!

February 1 - Deadline to submit registration
March 1- Deadline to *submit completed Lesson #1
April 8 - Deadline to *submit last lesson (if doing Scripture Memory)
April 8 - Deadline to start Scripture Memory.
April 29 - Deadline to *submit last lesson (if NOT doing scripture memory)
April 29 - Deadline to *submit Listener's Card for Scripture Memory Credit
* "Submit" = the day it must reach our office. This date will be FIRM. No exceptions or excuses. We must be firm on these dates so that all info can be entered into our online system by April 30th for any discounts you have earned.